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Moälven and Hemlingsån with tributaries



The Moälven is a richly varied forest river, with only a small impact from hydropower development, which winds its way between river lakes, seals, rapids and falls to the mouth of Örnsköldsvik. The Moälven has a steady presence of otters in the tributaries. In addition, freshwater pearl mussels occur in several places in the water system. The geoscientific protection values are above all concentrated in the areas around Myckelgensjö and Seltjärn with the ice rim delta, elongated meanders, sausage lakes, dike-shaped mud deposits and steep nip beaches.

Actions in the Moälven

C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate 21 Obstructing Road Drums
C6 Remove 4 obstructing dams
C7 Reinforcement of the freshwater pearl mussel population

C8 Develop a management plan with all FVOs within the Moälven

Conservation plan

Bevarandeplan Moälven.png



Hemlingsån is a river system with high natural values. The river is a forest stream that flows into Gideålven in Hemling. The Hemlingsån's course is varied with shorter rapids, alternating with seal sections and lakes. By Swedish standards, the river system is relatively unaffected by exploitation, but has previously been used as a waterway and raft cleaning has been carried out on certain sections. The surroundings around the river are dominated by woodland and marshland, several of which have high natural qualities. During the winter, you often see traces of otters, and it is precisely to protect the otter's habitat that the water system is protected. In the Hemlingsån, some river pearl mussels have been determined to be around 150 years old.

Measures in Hemlingsån

C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate 4 Obstructing Road Drums
C6 Remove 3 obstructing dams
C7 Reinforcement of the freshwater pearl mussel population

Conservation plan

Bevarandeplan Hemlingsån.png

Right now in Västernorrland

Migration barriers

No road culvert replacements will be carried out in 2025.

The Torrvattnet dam will probably be repaired during the year.

Dialogue & consultation

In 2025, consultations are planned and carried out for the Hällvattnet dam.


The County Administrative Board is waiting for a permit for restoration in the Moälven tributaries from the Environmental Court.


The permit application for Gafseldammen, Västborgardammen and the restoration of Hemlingsån will be submitted to Environmental Court during the winter.

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